Hey Power Girl,
I hope your feeling good and looking gorgeous!
I want you to have that beautiful Power Girl body you have been dreaming of, but I also want to make you beautiful on the INSIDE as well.
I know I usually talk about how to get the body you want, however today we are going to be talking about how to make the inside of you just as beautiful as you are on the outside.
Now your probably wondering how I am going to make your intestines look beautiful. Well I am actually not talking about “those insides” but the inside of you (WHO you are as a person).
Why not go for the full package and be beautiful everywhere?
Show people that it is possible to be stunning INSIDE and out!
Show people the difference/improvement you have made in yourself and inspire them to make a difference in their bodies and lifestyles.
Making the inside of your body beautiful means getting rid of any negative attitudes that are stopping you from getting the body you want and reaching for your goals and dreams. SO DON’T LET A NEGATIVE ATTITUDE STOP YOU.
The reason why inner beauty is so important is because some people with beautiful bodies can get their heads out of line and become ugly on the inside.
A good looking person who is ugly on the inside, can eventually become ugly on the outside as well; if the inside is not cleaned up.
So Power Girl I hope that you understand how important it is to be just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.
Think of your beauty as a light. Why leave it outside on the porch when you could bring it inside to shine brighter.
Let your beauty S.H.I.N.E. from within your body.
Here is how…
Intelligent thinking
No negativity
These are some ways you can bring out your inner beauty. So let your beauty shine out and make sure you show everyone that you are gorgeous everywhere.
Remember to look and feel gorgeous!
Now Power Girl I don’t want you to think that this means I don’t want you to stay focused on building the body that you want, I just want you to remember that inner beauty is just as important.
If you haven’t checked out my You Tube Channel lately then click here to view my brand NEW video that explains the 3 Healthy Food Groups you need to eat from every day to get a great body.
I have been filming all summer long, creating my Body Smart Breakfast videos and will be releasing a NEW one EVERY Sunday.
So don’t forget to check out my You Tube channel this Sunday for the first yummy recipe of my Body Smart Breakfast Meal Plans.
And stay tuned EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT as I will be posting a NEW video EVERY Sunday !
Your friend and coach,
Jessy Lipke