Archive for the ‘blog post’ Category

Is it all about you?

Hey Power Girl,

Sorry to be a little late in posting my blog this week.

I was at a dance competition all weekend and had early mornings (getting ready to dance) and late nights (performing), so I couldn’t get to my blog until today.

I had a fun weekend with my family and friends.

It was also really busy because of dance and because it was my brother’s birthday.

It was really hard because I focused on myself this weekend and had to remember that it’s not all about me.

It’s about my family, and friends too.

When I compete I get into this “zone”.  I need to get my head-space right in order for me to give it 110% on stage.

It is very difficult on a weekend like this to focus on other things, but I did because I had a realization.

It’s not about me!

I want to tell you about the moment I realized this.

I was on stage, accepting an award and the MC (master of ceremonies) caught me off guard.

He asked me to give a Shout Out.

I had to think of what I would shout out, to hundreds and hundreds of people, with just a second to prepare.

That’s when I realized it.

It’s not about ME, it’s about everyone else who has allowed me to have the opportunities I have had.

It’s about ALL the people in my life who are my role models, my mentors and my support.

Above all it is about God who gives me the strength and courage to do what I do.

In my Shout Out I thanked my dance teachers at Canadian Dance Company, my parents and God.

After thinking about it I realized that I have been so blessed by so many people.

My first dance teacher Miss Kelly, recognized something in me.

It’s not about me, it’s about her too.  What if she wouldn’t have pulled me out of the group and noticed that I had a special love for dance?

I wouldn’t have had the great start that I had.

She believed in me and helped me to believe in myself.

She pushed me and gave me an advantage because of how much she expected of me.

She could have kept things simple but I wouldn’t have grown.

Her high expectations pushed me beyond my limits and gave me the advantage I needed.  My mom calls it the “eye of the tiger.”

My parents sacrifice so much for me (and my brothers and sister).

The time and money they put into my training.

It’s not about me, it’s about them too.

What if I had a lazy mom who refused to drive me to dance almost everyday of the week?

What if they didn’t think it was worth the money to pay for all of my training?  I wouldn’t have the support that is needed to make my dreams come true.

My parents believed in me and taught me to believe in myself, dream big and just go for it!

My parents have taught me to not just believe in myself, but to know that I can achieve anything I set my mind towards.

My dance teachers – ALL of them.

I have been dancing for a very long time.

I have danced at a few different studios.

All of my teachers believed in me and gave me opportunities.

It’s not about me, but all my teachers too.

What if every time I went to a different studio, my teachers ignored me because I was the new kid?   I would not have grown technically or increased my ability.

All of my dance teachers have given me something special.

Whether it was showmanship, technique or just a different style.

I have learned from all of them and I have grown because of all of them.

They each made me better in THEIR own way.

My friends.

My friends are all supportive and happy for me.

When I accomplish something they are not jealous but really happy.

They want the best for me and encourage me.

It’s not about me, but about my friends too.

What if every time I was preparing for something big, they psyched me out?  I would  have doubt in myself.

My friends are always there for me.  They are there to cheer me on and support me.

When I am dancing and I hear them clapping and shouting awesome things at me, they give me energy.  Their support helps kick me into high gear to finish strong.

My siblings.  Like my friends they are supportive and happy for me. It’s not about me, but them too.

They know what my strengths and weaknesses are and they love me completely for who I am.

What if I had jealous siblings who resented anything about me.

Have you seen the movie “Diary of a Wimpy Kid?”  A mean sibling could make your life miserable.

My siblings make my life incredible.  We are tight and my life is exciting because of them.

Every day is a party and every night is a sleepover.  I can’t imagine living my life without them.

My God.  Well my favourite bible verse is Philippians 4:13.  “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

It is definitely not about me.  I owe it ALL to GOD!!!

LIFE LESON: Try to live everyday realizing that it’s not about you.

YOUR life is great.  Even if you aren’t in the best place right now, it is guaranteed that you are in a place much better than somebody else.

Live in GRATITUDE everyday for what you have, who you are and the people who it is all about.

Really when you think about it, everyone you come in contact with shapes you a bit.

Be grateful for them.

It is all about them.  Life without them would be empty!

Being great is appreciating the greatness in OTHERS.

Be Great!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke




All You Can or All You Should?

Hi Power Girl,

Sometimes the question is not “Can I?,” but ” Should I?”

I’m referring to All You Can Eat restaurants.  Of course you CAN eat all you possibly can and be SO FULL that you ROLL out of the restaurant, but SHOULD you?

I love All You Can Eat restaurants when I first step through the doors, but by the time I’m done, I can honestly say that I don’t like them much.

I don’t like the feeling of being over stuffed.  Do you?

Have you ever been to an All You Can Eat and just felt sick to your stomach afterward?

Well Power Girl – NEVER AGAIN!

I have learned THE SECRET of how to enjoy an All You Can Eat restaurant AND still feel good at the end.

With my SECRET (which nobody knows, by the way) you can ENJOY every bite AND still FEEL GOOD after, no STUFFED feeling an NO GUILT!

My SECRET is all about CHOICES.

Let’s start right from the beginning.

First of all, WATER is your best choice for drink.  Remember you body is made of 70% water so you need it anyways.

You don’t need your calories or carbs (sugar) from your drink.

You’ll have plenty to choose from as soon as you line up at the food buffet.

If you don’t like water, ask for some lemon or lime to give it a refreshing twist.

My mom has got me hooked on herbal teas.  Try this and you will be off to a good start.

Next…NO BREAD!  You don’t need any.

There aren’t many nutrients you will get from it anyways (unless it is a wholegrain) and besides, there will be MANY other carb choices available for you to choose from.

BEFORE choosing anything take a LOOK at everything.  Decide FIRST what appeals to you and then start putting food on your plate.

This way you don’t fill up on some things and end up being too full for others.

I would suggest to start with VEGGIES.

This way you will start to fill up on healthy, fibre and nutrient-rich foods.

You will also be less likely to overdo it on the higher calorie choices of the mains.

Stay away from anything FRIED, even if what is fried are the veggies!

There are a couple of reasons for this.  First of all, those deep fried foods are full of harmful free radicals (which cause cancer!) and toxic fats that are just awful for your Power Girl body.

Second is that these foods are so high in EMPTY calories (calories that make you gain weight, but don’t give you any nutrients at all)

Okay, so we have eliminated bread and fried foods.  We know to start with veggies and now we are already a bit full.

What is next?

The MAIN course.

Remember decide in ADVANCE what appeals to you.

You DON’T have to try EVERYTHING especially dishes made with lots of CREAMY sauces.

As far as serving size goes it does depend on your height, weight, activity level and goals of weight-loss, weight-gain or weight-maintenance.

Here are some guidelines.

Your PROTEIN choice should be the size of your HAND.

Your CARB choice the size of your FIST.

Since you’re at an All You Can Eat, double these if you need to but KNOW when to say ENOUGH!

Now for the FINAL trip to the buffet…Dessert.

Okay just remember that EVERYTHING at this station contains sugar which will likely end up being STORED in your body at this point, and probably as fat.


You have ALREADY had a TON of calories and are probably NOT hungry, you just want to TASTE the yummy desserts, right?

Which dessert appeals to you the MOST?

Take a SMALL piece of it.

Does more than one call your name?  Here is what I do.

I go up with my sister Brooklyn and my mom, and we put our selections on one plate and share.

This way we get a taste of a few things and don’t feel stuffed or guilty!

Now you’re DONE, you tasted LOTS of good foods and still FEEL GREAT.

If the people around you keep eating, let them, you’re a Power Girl and let’s face it ….you’re different.

You eat different, you exercise different, you think different, and you LOOK and FEEL different.

Come to think of it….. DIFFERENT IS GOOD!  :-)

Being a Power Girl means that you CHOOSE to get your body moving and fuel that body with good choices, EVEN when you are eating out.

Remember just because you are at an All You Can Eat, doesn’t mean Eat All You Can!!

I would rather you adopt an All You Can TASTE philosophy.

If you really want to try quite a few things take a tablespoon serving size so that you can feel satisfied that you tasted it, AND leave feeling satisfied that you took care of your Power Girl body.

Well Power Girl, I’m off to an All You Can Taste Sushi restaurant.  I already know what I will choose to taste.

I’ll taste 1 piece of 8 or 10 of my favourite maki and load up on the veggies so I don’t have room for more than my Power Girl Body needs.

Bon Appetit!

Your friend and coach,


Jessy Lipke


Wanna know what I do?

Hey Power Girl,

You are just LOVING learning about what you should eat!

Your comments are all about what to eat and thanking me for my last few blogs which have focused on food.

You know from my past few blogs what carbs, protein and fats are.

You also know what our body DOES with them and why we NEED them.

By now you are also getting an idea of how much of these you need to eat.

Putting it together is a bit tough – I know.

I’m blessed to have parents in  health-care who specialize in good nutrition.

I know how to eat well because my parents really practice what they preach and feed us the way they know will help us to be healthy and strong.

Eating well will mean you will look and feel great!

So I get that it is easy for me to eat well because my parents know exactly what to feed me.

But I want YOU to eat well because you know exactly what to eat too!

I am working on a nutrition book, meal plans and a healthy eating video.

This takes a lot of time and I will have all of these available to you as soon as possible.

I also know that YOU want this information NOW!!

So what I have decided to do today is to write about how I eat, to at least give you an even better idea of what healthy eating looks like.

Please use my food diaries for yourself.  I don’t mind.  As a matter of fact I want you to!

Okay so before I share my FOOD DIARY with you, I want to share with you some RULES I live by:

#1  I NEVER drink pop/soda or sugary beverages like juice, gatorade or lemonade.  I never drink diet drinks with Aspartame (Nutrisweet) or Splenda.  Experts know that Aspartame can lead to cancer and Splenda was discovered in a lab that was trying to create a new pesticide!  The chlorinated sugar molecule (Splenda or sucrolose) tasted sweet and became the next best artificial sweetener.  It is actually made at a drug company (not a food company) in the same city I live. Who knows if it is really safe?  I don’t want to be the guinea pig!

#2  I DO drink water and a lot of it, or herbal teas that I’ll either drink warm or cold with just a teaspoon of Agave to sweeten it up a bit.  My mom says you should take half your body weight (measured in pounds), and drink that many ounces of water every day.  So if you weigh 120 pounds, you should drink 60 ounces of water.  The more active you are, the more you should drink

#3  I eat 3 meals/day PLUS snacks in between my meals.

#4  I have proteins, carbs and fat at EVERY meal.

#5  I never eat carbs by themselves.  I’ll always have a protein or fibre with my carbs.

#6  I never skip meals, especially breakfast.

#7  Desserts, candies and chocolate are NOT regular parts of my everyday eating.  They are filled with empty calories and even though I really love them, I love ME more and I make choices daily to make ME healthy a strong.  So desserts, candy and chocolates are things I only have on special occasions.

#8  I don’t eat fried foods.  The fats that those foods have been fried in are RANCID and NOT good for you.

#9  If I eat fast foods I choose salads, chili, or subs, to make sure I get some protein and fibre.

#10  I eat when I’m hungry unless it is before bed.  My body doesn’t need to be working on digesting food at night.  My body needs the night to grow and heal.

Okay, so now that you know the basic rules that I follow.

Now let’s look at how I eat.

Many people eat differently on the weekends than they do during the week.

That is ok but I eat pretty much the same way the entire week.

A little confession though…my Nonna (that’s grandma in Italian) eats at our house every Sunday and she always has a dessert so I will usually have some dessert on Sunday nights.  Always a small piece and never seconds.

Here are my food records.  Use them for yourself or make adjustments based on the foods you like.

Day 1


  • Protein Shake (250 calories, 28g Carb, 23g Protein, 6g Fat)


  • 1/2 banana with 1 – 2 tsp of almond butter


  • 1 small can of tuna
  • 1 slice of thickly cut whole-grain bread toasted
  • carrot sticks (about 1/2 cup)
  • 1 small pear


  • 1 egg hard boiled
  • grapes (1/2 cup)


  • 1 cup Pasta (my mom’s favourite is Spelt)
  • tomato sauce (about 1/4 cup)
  • 1 chicken breast
  • Salad (about 1 cup of lettuce, onions, tomatos, cucumber ) with olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing (1tbsp)


  • 6 almonds (sometimes if I’m hungry I’ll have 12)

Day 2


  • 2 sunny-side eggs
  • fried in 1 tsp coconut oil (healthiest oil you can cook with)
  • 2 small slices of ancient-grain toast
  • 1/2 apple  – Brooklyn had the other half :-)


  • 1 small greek yogurt


  • Big salad (lettuce, tomato, 1/4 avocado, onions, around 4 black olives, cucumbers, 2 tbsp black beans, 2 tbsp corn, about 1/4 cup crushed baked corn chips)
  • about 1 left over chicken breast cut up in pieces on top of salad
  • I don’t put cheese on mine but 1 ounce of sharp old cheddar is Brooklyn’s favorite
  • salsa dressing (1/4 – 1/2 cup salsa blended with 1 tsp of organic mayonaise)


  • 2 tbsp hummous
  • about 8 rice crackers


  • 4 ounces broiled salmon
  • 3/4 cup quinoa cooked in tomato juice
  • 10 steamed Asparagus spears, drizzled with olive oil ( about 1 tsp) and salt and pepper
  • 1 6-ounce glass of 1 % organic milk


  • 1 apple dipped in 1 tbsp of almond butter

Day 3


  • 3/4 cup Jordan Muslei cereal (around 30 g carb)
  • 1/4 milk blended with 1 scoop of protein powder (I do this to balance my protein with carbs)
  • 1/4 of a big apple


  • 1 high protein pancake (recipe will be on my next video)
  • 1 tbsp almond butter


  • gourmet sandwich
  • 2 thin slices whole grain bread
  • 1 tbsp hummous
  • 1/4 avocado sliced thinly
  • thinly sliced veggies (onion, orange pepper, tomato)
  • 8 ounces of 1% organic milk


  • 1 slice black bean chocolate cake (super healthy, crazy yummy and has no actual chocolate, also on my next video)


  • Fajitas
  • 1 large whole wheat flour tortilla stuffed with…
  • 4 ounces chicken
  • onions and peppers sauteed in olive oil
  • 1 tbsp of grated cheddar
  • 1 tbsp salsa
  • 1tbsp plain greek yogurt (instead of sour cream)
  • mixed green salad (1 cup) with olive oil/balsamic dressing (1 tbsp)


  • 1/4 cup greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp granola cereal

***I take fish oil supplements, healthy kids vitamins and calcium supplements every day too!

So there you have it.  Three days worth of examples of how I actually eat.

If you like this…just wait for my next video, and nutrition and meal plan book.

You’ll LOVE them!!! :-)

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke





This May Shock You!

Hey Power Girl!  What I’m going to tell you today may shock you.

It goes against everything we have been told and everything girls think.

FAT is actually…

Are you ready for this?


That’s right.  Our bodies need fat.  GOOD fat that is.

We have been told to avoid fat because it makes us fat.

There are many adults who have been told to follow a low-fat diet to prevent disease.

Well something is not right.

You know why?

We have so many low-fat diets and low-fat foods and yet 65 % of Canadian adults are overweight, 30 % are obese and get this….

20% of Canadian 4 year olds are obese!

Dietary Fat is down from when our parents were growing up because of all the low-fat foods and low-fat diets that have become popular, BUT  obesity is up!


Here is the stat I found…

In the 70’s people ate 40 % of their calories from fat and now we eat 34 % of our calories from fat…

BUT… obesity is up from 14 % to 22 %!

So we are eating LESS FAT, but we’re getting FATTER!!

We have more low-fat foods and low-fat diets than anywhere in the world and yet we have the HIGHEST rate of obesity!

Does this make sense to you?  It didn’t make sense to me!

This is what I have learned about fat.

Dietary fat is GOOD for you!

Our bodies NEED fat!!!

We NEED fat for our metabolism.

We NEED fat to allow our bodies to use fat-soluble vitamins.

We NEED fat to make hormones.

We NEED fat for our brain and nerve system to work properly.

One of the hormones released when we eat fat actually signals the brain to stop eating!

Fat allows our body to BURN fat!

Fat (like protein) slows the sugar from carb, from entering our blood AND lowers the amount of insulin (the hormone that pushes sugars into storage) that our bodies release.

Insulin is a fat-laying hormone so it is really important that our bodies don’t release too much of it at one time.

Stored body fat is our bodies preferred source of energy.

Our bodies are meant to be FAT BURNERS!

Many people, maybe even YOU, have become SUGAR BURNERS and if you CRAVE SUGAR, that is why!

Your body may not have the right fats from your diet to be able to burn fat.

Your body may not even need to try to burn fat because you always eat too much sugar or carb!

Now that you understand that you actually NEED fat and MUST eat HEALTHY fats, I need to tell you which fats you should eat.

You see not all fats are good for you.  Some fats ARE bad for you.

Learn which ones are good and eat those EVERY day.

Learn which ones are bad for you and STAY AWAY from those ones.


  • all good fats are UNprocessed
  • Avocados
  • fat from fatty fish like salmon, herring, real crab
  • RAW nuts and their butters and oils
  • RAW seeds and their butters and oils
  • Coconut butter (can cook with this too)
  • REAL butter (raw is best)
  • Olive oil, grapeseed oil (good cooking oils)
  • Cheese (if you can get raw cheese)


  • all hydrogenated fats/trans fats (margarine and so many packaged foods)
  • oils that go rancid easily (almost all vegetable oils)
  • fried foods (they are cooked in oils that go RANCID and these are TOXIC)

So the key here is to drill into your head what fats you should stay away from.

The bad ones ARE BAD and can cause so many health problems and diseases like heart disease and cancer.

The good ones ARE REALLY GOOD.  Eat a bit of them everyday.

The key with fat is to know how much you should eat and how much is too much.

Even TOO much of a good thing can be bad.

I eat around 50 g of GOOD fats every day.

I would think that you should aim for around 50g too.

If you are really active and you eat a lot than you could eat 75g.

Just like my blogs on CARBS and PROTEIN, I am going to make it easy for you and tell you how much is just about right when it comes to food choices.

The servings of fat listed below are broken down into 5g servings.


  • healthy oils (avocado, olive, grapeseed, nut/seed oils – 1 tsp
  • coconut fat or butter – 1 tsp
  • avocado – 1/4
  • almonds – 5
  • walnuts – 2 halves
  • cheese – cubic inch

Ok now the tricky thing with fats is unless YOU are cooking with them you don’t know how much you are actually eating.

You can approximate that you will be getting at least 15g of fat in your cooked foods.

Keep this in mind when choosing your healthy fats.

My suggestion is to add at least 5-7 of the above choices to your meals and/or snacks.

REMEMBER…If you don’t eat enough fat you WILL NOT burn fat.

I will put all the information you have learned from my last 3 blogs together so that you will have a meal plan to follow in the very near future.

I am writing the Power Girl Nutrition Revolution Meal Plan Guide along with my Mom who was a dietitian for 15 years.

It will be AWESOME and worth the wait!

My next video is being shot later this month and will take you into my kitchen with my Mom and me where you will get to learn step-by-step how to prepare meals.

We will be doing everything from breakfast to dinner and even healthy snacks!

Please be patient with me…

I’m working hard to give you EVERYTHING you need to be healthy, strong, lean and to get the body of your dreams!!!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke




The Secret to Gorgeous Lean Muscle

Hey Power Girl, I was going to give you a break from nutrition tips, but your feedback tells me that you really want to know how to eat.

Last week I taught you everything I have learned about carbohydrates and this week I’m going to tell you about the key to eating the right stuff to make your muscles lean and strong.

You definitely need to do your Power Girl workouts and keep your body moving to make gorgeous, lean muscle…

BUT you also MUST eat this next type of food too.

If you do your Power Girl workouts but don’t eat enough of this special food than your muscles will be weak and flabby.

What is this special SECRET food type?


Your body NEEDS it!

Make sure you have some with every meal and snack.

You will NOT achieve your goals unless you have ENOUGH of this important food.

Let’s learn more about protein.

Proteins are considered the “building blocks of life.”

Wow that is MAJOR!

The “building blocks of LIFE!”

What exactly does that mean though?

Well our bodies use protein to build and repair our muscles and organs.

Most of our bodies are protein.

Proteins are needed to make our hormones, immune cells and all other sorts of tissues that our bodies need to be healthy.

Since we want to BUILD MUSCLE, it makes sense that we need to eat foods that make MUSCLE.

Since we want to BE HEALTHY, it makes sense that we need to eats foods that keep our IMMUNE SYSTEM strong.

The building blocks we get from protein are called amino acids.

When we eat protein foods, our digestive system and enzymes (which are made up of proteins), break the protein down into amino acids.

These amino acids get absorbed into our bodies and enter into our bloodstream.

Our bodies turn these amino acids into about 50,000 different proteins.

Now imagine what would happen if we didn’t eat enough protein?

Our bodies would have to FIND the protein from somewhere else – like our muscles and our organs!

How can we make gorgeous muscles if we don’t eat right?

Our body NEEDS protein every day and since we don’t store amino acids (like we store sugars as fats), when we don’t eat enough our body BREAKS down our muscle first to get the protein it needs.

We obviously don’t want our bodies to break down our muscle to find amino acids because we want strong, lean muscles BUT we also don’t want slow metabolisms.

You see, our metabolism (how much energy our body uses) is fuelled by our muscles.

The more muscle we have on our body, the better the metabolism we have, and the more calories we burn!

That is a great thing!

A high metabolism can allow us to BURN FAT EVEN WHILE WE SLEEP, as long as we eat the right foods (like protein) and do our Power Girl workouts.

So we HAVE to make sure that we eat enough protein!!!!!

So how do we do that?

Well the first thing is to know is which foods are protein foods.

We can get protein foods from both animal and plant sources.

The proteins from animal foods are obvious:  meat, fish, chicken, pork, eggs and dairy.

Excellent sources of proteins from plant foods are legume beans (chick peas, kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, lentils, soy beans etc.), quinoa, nuts and seeds.

So how much protein do we need?

Growing girls, and girls who want to build muscle, should consume about 1g/kg of body weight (.45g/pound), to 1.2g/kg of body weight (.54g/pound).

So then…if you weigh, let’s say, 55 kg (120 pounds), you should be eating around 55 – 66 g of protein everyday.

Ok so we are one step closer to knowing how much protein we should eat.

I’m lucky because my mom was a dietitian and she just knows how to feed us.

My mom helped me with this next part, so that YOU could know about how much protein food you should eat to make sure you are getting enough.

1 ounce of meat/fish/chicken etc. is about 7 g of protein.

So if you eat 1 cooked chicken breast that is about 4 ounces which is 28g of protein.

1 egg or 1 slice of cheese (1 ounce) is also about 7g of protein.

If you have 2 eggs with 1 ounce of cheese, that would be 21g of protein.

Here is the math… 2 eggs + 1 ounce of cheese;  2 eggs will give you 2 x 7g = 14g of protein.  1 ounce of cheese will give you another 7g of protein.  The total amount of protein would be 14 + 7 = 21g.

Legume beans…Well approximately 1/2 cup of beans will give you 7g of protein.

Nuts or seeds…Again this is an approximation…about 2 tbsp will give you 7g.

Cheese, nuts and seeds are high in fat so don’t rely on these for your protein.

You’ll learn next week that HEALTHY fat is actually GOOD for you, but too much will get stored as fat.

Remember to always have protein with your meals and snacks.

First of all we learned today that we NEED enough protein to make lean muscles, and secondly in last week’s blog on carbohydrates we learned that protein slows down sugar, entering our blood.

That is good because it gives our bodies a chance to use the sugar before it gets stored as fat.

I want to make this even more simple for you.

If you weigh 55 Kg, or 120 pounds, you need about 55 – 66 g of protein EVERYDAY.

You’ll notice that I broke the serving sizes above into 7g of protein each. So look at the chart bellow:


Lean meat, fish or chicken 1 ounce (30g)
egg 1 egg
cheese 1 ounce  (30g)
Greek yogurt 3 ounce (75 g)
Nut or seed butters 2 TBSP
Legumes (beans) ½ cup


To get 55-66g of protein you should choose a combination of 8 – 10 servings. (8×7=56g, 10×7=70g).

Remember that you may need more or less than this example because  your weight may be more or less than 55Kg (120 pounds).

Getting back to my example of eating 55-66g of protein…

Breakfast     2 choices  (2 eggs)

Snack           1 choice     (1 ounce cheese)

Lunch          3 choices   (3 ounces cooked chicken)

Snack          1 choice      (2 tbsp almond butter)

Supper        3 choices    (3 ounces cooked fish)


Total          10 choices   (10x7g=70g of protein)

This is just an example and this is also just the protein part for your meal.  Remember that you should have some carbs with the above (review last week’s blog), and some fat (coming next week).

Carbs do have a bit of protein, so you’ll even be getting a bit more protein from those foods too.

That means you’ll eat a bit more than 70g of protein.

Tune in next week to learn about  which fats to avoid, which ones are HEALTHY, how much HEALTHY fat you should eat every day,  and why your body NEEDS fat.

This is all important information and will help you know exactly what to eat so that YOU WILL MEET YOUR FITNESS GOALS!!!

To your success!!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke

What You Have Been Asking For…

I know, I know…. It’s about time….

You have been asking over and over, for so long…..”Jessy, please tell me HOW TO EAT in order to help me get lean and fit, and reach my goals.”

Well don’t worry, I will be making some awesome new videos soon that will invite you into MY kitchen with ME, so that you can learn how to get a better body by eating healthier.

I  will be showing you STEP-BY-STEP how to make healthy breakfasts, lunches, suppers and snacks.

But FIRST, it is really important for you to know the BASICS about foods, so that you can understand WHY you should eat a certain way.

So I want to teach you about Carbohydrates (Carbs) today.

I want you to know which carbs are good for you and which ones you should stay away from.

I also want you to know how much carb you should be eating, when you should eat carbs, and when you should avoid them.

Okay so let’s start with what carbohydrates are.

A carbohydrate is a food that gets broken down by your body into sugar (also known as glucose).

Examples of carbohydrate foods are: breads, cereals, rice, pasta, grains, fruit, starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, carrots, peas, squash, beans like chickpeas, lentils, kidneys), and sugary foods like desserts, candy, chocolate and pop.

All carbohydrates will get broken down into glucose.

We need glucose in our blood for energy.

Glucose is like our gas.  It’s fuel for our body!

The problem arises when we have TOO MUCH glucose in our blood, because high amounts of glucose in our blood are actually TOXIC.

Diabetics who can’t handle glucose properly, can actually DIE if they have high blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Our body is really smart and can protect us from toxic amounts of sugar in our blood.

Different hormones will actually turn these sugars into something called glycogen which is stored in our liver and muscles.

Our bodies can only store a certain amount of sugar as glycogen though.

Once our glycogen stores are full, our body will turn the rest of the sugar into fatty acids and store them as fat in our fat cells.

Does this make sense to you?

Reread this if it doesn’t because it is important for you to really get this so that you can make wise choices about how much carb you should eat and when you should eat it.

Don’t worry if you have to read this over a couple of times.

My mom taught me all of this and I didn’t get it at first either.

Now that I understand this, it really makes it easy for me to choose my foods wisely.

Okay so let’s get into a bit more detail…

When small amounts of carb are eaten, the glucose that comes from that small amount of carb will enter the bloodstream and be used immediately.

When you eat a meal that is really high in carbs, or you eat candy, chocolate, desserts or  pop, too much glucose enters the bloodstream.

Your body will be triggered to BURN glucose INSTEAD of stored body fat as it’s main source of fuel.

Now if you are lean then burning glucose is ok.

If you have a goal to BURN FAT, then you obviously don’t want to be a “sugar burner.”

The other problem with eating a lot of carbs is that if you are not very active (like before bed), or you only had a short Power Girl workout, your body MUST store the extra glucose.

Once your liver and muscle stores of glycogen are full, the rest of the glucose from the high carb food or snack will get turned into fat.

It is really about common sense.

Ask yourself, “Is it wise to have cookies and milk before bed?”

And by the way, milk has more carb in it than protein.

I hope you said no to my question above.

Let’s talk about why…

The cookies will get broken down into sugar (glucose) and since there is some carb in the milk, there will be even more glucose for the body to deal with.

All this glucose WILL end up being stored either in your liver and muscle (as glycogen) or in your fat cells.

Let’s face it.  The chance of your body burning anything before bed is pretty slim unless of course that is when you do your Power Girl workout.

Another reason you don’t want to eat a high carb snack before bed is because the hormone responsible for lowering your blood sugars (insulin), will soar because of the high amount of sugar in your blood.

High levels of insulin at bedtime is really bad because it blocks Human Growth Hormone (HGH) release.

HGH helps to repair your body and grow gorgeous Power Girl muscles.

High insulin levels before bed will also leave you feeling groggy in the morning and even hungrier because your blood glucose levels dropped a bit too much.

So eating carb before bed is a BAD idea.

Does that make sense?  I hope so.

If it still doesn’t make sense to you, then read over this material until it does.

Don’t worry if you don’t get this right away – remember, it took me a while to understand all of this too.

So what would be a good snack before bed?

Veggies are definitely a great choice.

Avoid the starchy ones before bed.

If you are really active then extra protein before bed is a good idea too.

You definitely don’t want to have alot of anything before bed because even too much protein will get stored as fat.

I’ll talk more about protein in a future blog.

I sometimes will have half of my protein shake before bed.

The really cool thing about protein is that when you eat some with a carb, it slows down how fast the sugar (glucose) will enter into your blood.

Less of the blood sugar lowering hormone (insulin), will be produced.

Remember that insulin drives glucose to be stored as Fat, and it blocks the Growth Hormone that build your gorgeous muscles.

Keeping in mind that a little protein with a little carb is a good snack, why not have a 1/4 or 1/2 of a banana with some almond butter.

A rice cracker or half a slice of a whole grain bread with some chicken or low fat cheese is another option.

A small amount of greek yogurt (1/4 cup) plus a few berries is another great bedtime snack.

Keep in mind that during the night you don’t burn that many calories – so keep your snack small and stick to veggies if you can.

The bedtime snacks mentioned above are great things to snack on during the day as well.

You may need to increase the amount by a bit to keep your Power Girl body fuelled.

Okay…just a bit more.

How much carb should you aim for at a meal?  Well I would suggest 1 to 2 fistfuls.   If you’re super active maybe 3.

So if you make a fist that is probably about 1/2 cup worth or 1 small slice of bread.

If you want to loose weight then you should stick with a fistful.

If you want to maintain your weight then 2 fistfuls is ideal.

If you want to get your body super busy and push your Power Girl workouts to a more intense level, then 2-3 fistfuls should do it.

Remember that you should never eat carbs alone.

Protein with carbs is always a good idea as it slows down the speed at which the sugar (from carb), is entering your bloodstream.

The best carb choices are ones that are low in sugar and high in fibre.

Veggies are the best!

Other high fibre, low sugar choices are:  whole grains, oatmeal, beans and sweet potatoes or yams.

Try whole grains like: millet, wild or forbidden rice, quinoa, aramanth, spelt or kamut.

Fruits are high in fibre but also higher in sugar so DON’T eat lots of fruits thinking you’ve made a great choice.  1/2 -1 fruit per meal is plenty.

Well this is my longest blog to date.

I am committed to giving you what you’ve been asking for.

In future blogs I’ll talk about Proteins and Fats like I did today with Carbs.

My goal is to help you be the BEST you can be!

Remember, you really are what you eat!

Be great!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke



Why you are ALWAYS HUNGRY!

What did you have for breakfast today?

How about supper last night?

Even if you think you made good choices, and I hope you tried to, most girls are confused with what to eat and what to avoid.

One of the most common questions I get from Power Girls writing in to me is “What should I be eating to get the best results, the fastest?”

Well the truth may SURPRISE you.

And like most truths, it’s actually pretty SIMPLE.

If you’re like me, everyday you hear about all sorts of FANCY NEW “miracle” weight-loss fads and diets.  You hear it on the news, on the radio or see it in magazines….. you know the LATEST and GREATEST things to eat or drink to get a great body.


You hear high-PAID celebrities telling you that the way to a better body is by drinking things like energy drinks, diet sodas, or caffeine drinks.

Maybe you’ve watched them also tell you to eat foods low in fat, or sweetened with artificial sweeteners.  What about meal replacement bars or counting calories.  It can really get CONFUSING.

Let me tell you the SIMPLE TRUTH.

They are all LYING!

Who do you think PAYS for those ads and celebrities?  Big food companies, who want YOUR money.

Well I’m here to give you the TRUTH, and it may surprise you.

The FASTEST and SIMPLEST way to a better looking, and HEALTHIER body is eating LOTS and LOTS of……….


Now that is probably NOT the answer you wanted to hear or the answer you thought you’d hear, but it is the TRUTH.

Most girls don’t eat nearly enough FRESH, RAW vegetables and the result is a body that they don’t like. Which makes them feel miserable.

So if you don’t like how you look or feel, don’t worry you’re not alone.

And the great news is good ol’ Jessy is here to help YOU!

So to change what you DO with food (how you eat) we need to first change how you THINK about food.

If you can understand WHY you need to make different choices, it should make it easier for you to take ACTION, which is what gives FAST results!

Maybe you’ll understand better if I explain HOW different foods make your body FEEL hungry or full.

Have you ever asked yourself “Why am I ALWAYS HUNGRY?”

Let me tell you what happens when you eat food that is HIGH in FAT (french fries) or HIGH in SUGAR (ice cream, soda) but LOW in volume or nutrients…..

…….your body STAYS HUNGRY and you want to KEEP EATING!

Have you ever started to eat something that was sweet and even though you weren’t that hungry when you started, pretty soon you felt like you couldn’t stop eating?

Raise you hand and say “Yes Jessy!”   I know I sure have.

Did you ever wonder WHY the more you ate, the more you WANTED to eat?

Have you ever felt that the food is CONTROLLING you?

Here’s the Answer:  It is because the sugar you were eating is very addictive and high in CALORIES but low in NUTRIENTS and VOLUME.

Your stomach feels full for 2 reasons:

1. NUTRIENT DENSITY (how many nutrients are in the food) and

2. VOLUME (how much space it takes up).


So when you give it food that TASTES good and is full of calories but EMPTY of Nutrition (like protein, fibre,vitamins and minerals) you still FEEL HUNGRY.

Because your body is still looking for NUTRITION and all you have given it is CALORIES!



Now this might seem too simple of a solution.

We have been taught by the media to believe that science is smarter than nature, that science can outperform God.

That new and improved food is better.

The foods that God DESIGNED us to eat are what we CRAVE and what we NEED (things like fresh fruits and vegetables).

When eat processed foods that have been changed by heating and adding oils and sugars that make them taste good, but have lost the nutrients, then we FEEL HUNGRY and GET SICK.

The Truth is, that although supplements (taking vitamins and minerals) are good insurance for healthy nutrition, you can never fully replace a balanced diet with man-made food.

When we load up our bodies on fresh VEGETABLES FIRST, then a couple of GOOD things happen.

1. Vegetables give us minerals and vitamins in their natural state and combination, not found in a pill.  This makes our cells healthier, and makes us FEEL FULL because our stomach can sense the nutrient density of the food.

2. Vegetables have fibre and take up more space in our stomach so they make us FEEL FULL.

If we compare 500 calories of salad and 500 calories of burger or ice cream, the salad will totally fill your stomach and will make you feel full, while that amount of ice-cream will just be a tease and leave you wanting more.

By the time you have eaten enough french fries, or ice cream to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your stomach, you have taken in too many “empty calories” and still haven’t had any real nutrition, just also of bad fat (I’ll teach you about GOOD fats like coconut oil later) and sugar.

What most girls do is eat their meal and then have a “token” vegetable to make them feel like they had a balanced meal.

If this is you, you’re doing it BACKWARDS!

VEGGES FIRST (fresh and raw if possible) otherwise lightly cooked (steamed is best, try not to microwave), then have the rest of your meal.

POWER GIRL NUTRITION TRICK: When I go out to eat at a Buffet with my family, my Dad tells us to go up and get a BIG PLATE of VEGGIES FIRST.

Then we can go back as many times as we want and get whatever we want.

The important thing is we have made the Veggies the #1 Priority.

Guess how much room we have for dessert after this, not much.

Sometimes I can’t even finish my dessert because I am too full of “good stuff'”.

There is one unfortunate SIDE EFFECT of this VEGGIES FIRST eating style………

It will give you a Better Body Guaranteed!!

So if you want to keep your same old body, then IGNORE EVERYTHING I have just said and keep on eating the way you always have.

“To GET what you’ve never had, you have to DO what you’ve never done”

All this typing for you is making me hungry…..

I’m going to have a great BIG SALAD right NOW!

Be Great. :-)

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke







I’d Say Today Was a GOOD Day!

Have you ever had a day when everything went wrong?  One of those days that you wish you could just start over?

Come on be honest.

Maybe you stayed up late the night before and just woke up tired, then burnt your toast, spilt your milk and to make it worse missed your ride to school.

Some days, all the ‘ducks just seem to line up’ and then other days…well, the ducks are just sinking.

I want to tell you about a movie I watched over the weekend.

It was so good that I actually watched it twice (after my Power Girl workout of course)! :)

The movie was called Courageous and it really taught me a few AMAZING messages.

I love when movies do that.

If you can, I recommend watching it, and watch it with your dad if you can; you’ll know why after you’ve seen it.

The movie starts off with an action packed scene, where a man leaves his running truck, with the door open, just for a second so that he can get some water to clean off his windshield.

Well in that second a man jumps into his truck and just takes off!

The owner of the truck sees the thief taking off in his truck and runs after his truck.

He manages to step on to the running board and grab a hold of the steering wheel because the window is open.

The thief speeds up and starts driving all crazy because he is trying to get the  owner of the truck to let go of the wheel.

The owner of the truck desperately hangs on to the wheel but eventually lets go and rolls to the ground as his truck leaves him behind with the thief still in it.

The thief very shortly after loses control of the truck and drives it into a tree.

The thief takes off and gets picked up by his partner who was following closely behind.

The scene ends with the man crawling, with determination, back to his truck.

Onlookers tell the man to forget about the truck and to just stop and wait for help.

The man continues to crawl towards his truck and when he reaches it, he opens the rear door and lays his eyes and hands on his hysterically crying baby boy.

No wonder he wouldn’t let go!

When the police arrive on the scene they comment that he must be having a bad day.

He responds “I’d  say that today is still a GOOD day because my son is okay!’

Wow!!! What a lesson to be learned.

He CHOSE to focus on the positive and say that it was a GOOD day!

He could have focused on the fact that his truck was stolen, and was now smashed up.

He could have focused on the terror of being on the outside of a moving vehicle while being flung around by a mad man.

He could have focused on the cuts and bruises that he got when he was flung off the truck at a high speed and rolled on a hard, rough road!

I would say he had many reasons to say he had a ROTTEN day.

But no!  He CHOSE to say “I’d say today was a GOOD day.”

Next time you are having just one of those days when nothing seems to go right, remember this movie.

How will you CHANGE YOUR FOCUS in order to be able to say “I’d say today was a GOOD day!”

You are a Power Girl, and a part of that means you make better choices for a better life!  Everything is a CHOICE including how you CHOOSE to FEEL.

Will you wallow in your sorrows, or rise above and be a shining example of how wonderful it is to be a happy, healthy Power Girl!

Have a great week and CHOOSE to make EVERY DAY a great one!

Be the great person I know you are!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke

Life lessons can be learned from ANYONE!

This was an interesting week in my house.

Three of my siblings had to prepare  speeches, memorize them, and then present them to their class.

I have been hearing speeches 24/7!

It got to the point that I was able to recite these speeches because I had heard them so much!

I was even DREAMING about their topics.

I have to be honest, I was not really paying much attention to what my brothers and sister were saying.

Even though I could actually say parts of their speech, I must admit, I wasn’t really listening for any sort of message.

It was kinda like background noise.

I am being really HONEST with you right now and I have a CONFESSION.

I honestly didn’t think any of my siblings had something WORTHWHILE to say.

Ok I admitted it!

Please don’t think badly of me because what I’m gonna say next will make up for it…

Something hit me the other night.

While my brother Jacob was saying his speech to my Nonno (that’s my grandpa), he kept interrupting Jacob, saying, “no  – really?  Is that true?  No?  Wow, I didn’t know that!”

My Nonna (that’s my grandma), told Brooklyn after she said her speech that she learned a lot from it.

Finally my brother Tyler commented that he had no idea Jordan felt the way he did.

I realized that I had missed out on something.

Everyone else seemed to have learned something from LISTENING to my siblings.

Maybe I should listen and grab some meaning from them too.

Afterall, it seemed as though I was missing out!

I’ll start with my brother Jordan’s speech.

He talked about the diet he needs to follow because of his food sensitivities.

When he was 5, he started LOSING HIS HEARING.

Really this is TRUE and I remember it very well, even though I was only 3.

My mom put him on a special diet that was free of wheat, sugar and cow dairy and he got better.  He actually got his hearing back!!!

I knew this too.  What I didn’t know was how hard his diet has been for him.

He said it is like a roller coaster ride and that he didn’t know if he’d ever out grow it.

A roller coaster ride!  I had no idea.

Can you IMAGINE not being able to EVER have WHEAT, SUGAR OR MILK?

But he said that when he sticks with it he feels great and when he doesn’t he feels lousy!

I instantly had a deep feeling of compassion for him!

You know I’m always sharing nutrition tips with you, but the reality is that when we make the WRONG food choices we don’t suffer right away – but HE does!

I never really got it, until I actually took the time to listen – really LISTEN to what he had to say.

Next is Jacob.  Now come on – What could I possibly learn from him?  He’s my younger brother!

Well his speech could actually make an AMAZING blog for Power Girl.

It was on soft drinks (Coke) and how BAD they are for you.

He talked about how the average person eats 53 tsp of sugar A DAY and that the average person drinks 220L (55 gallons) of pop (or soda) EVERY YEAR!

He set out to convince people that they should STICK TO WATER to quench their thirst.

So far, I know all this too.

He talks about how HIGH IN SUGAR Coke is, how ACIDIC Coke is and about a SECRET ingredient in Coke that isn’t good for us.

When I actually sat back and really LISTENED to what he had to say, I realized WHY my Nonno was so shocked.

I will save some of Jacob’s amazing facts for a future blog, but I will share one thing with you.

Drinking 4 litres (one gallon) of Coke an hour can KILL you because it contains ETHYLENE GLYCOL!

That’s ANTIFREEZE – and it is a slow POISON like arsenic!!!!

Wow, way to go Jacob!  Big sister learned something very fascinating from you!

Brooklyn’s speech was AMAZING!

Everyone can learn a bit from what she had to say!

Brooklyn did her speech on GOSSIP.

She made it her mission to convince people that gossip is not safe, that it hurts people and that it is not how God wants us to use our mouths!

We ALL know this is true, but hearing it from the mouth of a 9 year old, does something to you.

It makes you realize how EASY it is to get involved in gossip and HURT people,without even knowing it.

My favourite part of her speech was when she talked about James (from the Bible), comparing the gossiping tongue to a tiny spark that can set an entire forest on fire.

I never really thought about it that way.

She is right though.

When we use our mouths to speak CRUEL, UNKIND or UNTRUE words we can cause DESTRUCTION!

Way to go Brooklyn!

I know she is always telling people how much she looks up to me – well you know – I look up to her too!

Please learn something from what I’m sharing with you.

Look for the good in EVERYTHING you hear.

Try to take a message from something everyone has to say to you.

Give people a chance to show you that what they have to say is worth LISTENING to.

Let’s look at some examples….

Say your teacher is giving a lesson and perhaps they are not energetic and the lesson is slow…

PAY ATTENTION and LISTEN and guaranteed you’ll learn something.

You may even learn something that will be on your next test! 😉

What about the message at church.

My friends sometime admit that they don’t go to church because they don’t learn anything.

Why don’t you make it a goal to go anyway and force yourself to take just one message from what you have heard.

Make it like a game.  I think you’ll realize that there is ALWAYS something to learn.

This next one is hard but as I learned this week, you can LEARN FROM ANYONE!

Yes even younger people!

When kids speak never assume they have nothing worth listening to.

Think of the times when YOU were young and YOU just wanted to be heard.

The world is a better place and we feel better about ourselves, when we show OTHERS respect, make THEM feel special, and let them know that what THEY have to say is important!

Be a great LISTENER and become a great PERSON!

Your friend and coach,


Jessy Lipke

P.S. I’D love to LISTEN to you… drop me an email at and let me know how you’re doing with your eating and exercising, or just what’s on your brain and I’ll answer any questions you have or design some blog posts to better help YOU!



Beware and Don’t Be Fooled!

Yummy, delicious and good for you! Well not necessarily.

Smoothies have become very popular because they are quick, convenient and great tasting.

The problem is that not all smoothies are healthy. You need to BE CAREFUL of the ingredients.

I had a smoothie that a friend made for me the other day and it tasted great!! It was delicious and very satisfying.

It was actually too satisfying. I was full for hours beyond what I normally would have been.

There was SOMETHING in that smoothie.

I HAD to find out what.

I asked my friend what she had put in it.

Here it goes…
– 1 cup mango juice
– 1/2 cup frozen mangos
– 1 cup icecream
– 1 tablespoon of honey

Okay – so if you make your smoothie like this…think again.

While I agree that there is some goodness in it (mangos) and it is fairly natural – the end result is not a healthy balanced shake.

This smoothie is MOSTLY SUGAR!!! No wonder it tasted so good.  It was LIKE DESSERT FOR BREAKFAST!!

I asked my mom who was a dietitian to break down this shake for you (and for me too).

This is what she found.

Calories:  730kcal

Fat:  22g

Carbohydrates:  101g

Sugars:  95g

Fibre:  1g

Protein:  7g

I couldn’t believe it.  No wonder I wasn’t hungry.  This was NOT a Power Girl Smoothie.

Now I don’t want you to get too hung up on calories, fat, carbs and protein, – BUT you do need know a bit about them in order to make healthy choices and not be fooled into thinking something is healthy – if it’s not.

This Smoothie is a perfect example of something that people THINK is good for them  – but really isn’t.

Even if this shake was made with frozen yogurt which also seems like a healthy choice, you’d just be getting LESS FAT and probably MORE SUGAR.

So what is so bad about this smoothie.

The obvious thing, is that it is LOADED WITH SUGAR!!

I would suggest sticking to a smoothie that has no more than 40g of carbs.

This shake also has very little protein.  I would suggest aiming for at least 25g of protein.

I’ll tell you what.  I’ll make it super easy for you.

I’ll give you a Smoothie recipe that is not just great tasting, but good for you.

Berry Smoothie

– ice (3 – 4 cubes)

– 1 cup plain non fat GREEK yogurt

– 1/2 cup berries

– 1 tbsp agave nectar

– 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla or plain almond milk


Now THIS shake is not only tasty but is actually GOOD for you!

My mom broke it down.

Calories:  250 kcal

Fat:  3g

Carbohydrates:  35g

Sugar:  32g

Fibre:  3g

Protein:  26g

Now this is for you Power Girl.

If you are going to reach for a smoothie or shake because you have heard how good they are for you, then make one like this.

I think this has a lot of flavour, but even if you doubled the amount of Agave (which I don’t recommend) you would still only have 48g of sugar – which is still half of the sugar of the first smoothie.

You can add other fruits too, but no more than 1/3 – 1/2 cup of total fruit.

You could even be creative and make a healthy Pina Colada smoothie by using pineapple and 1/2 tsp of coconut fat.

Coconut fat is actually good for you.

It is a healthy fat and healthy fats help your body to burn fat.

There are also protein powders that you can buy that allow you to make a healthy shake very quickly.

I like shakes made with whey protein because whey is known to boost your immune system (help you fight germs and bacteria) and whey helps to build beautiful lean Power Girl muscles.

I like Isagenix shakes because the ingredients are great and the taste is amazing.

There are lots of good quality shakes you can buy at the health food store too.

If you want to buy a shake powder at the health food store it can be really confusing.

I’m lucky because my parents know so much about nutrition, and you could ask your parents for help too.  I want to give you some tips about what to look for.

Whey protein – organic and from pasture fed cattle is best. If you can’t have cow dairy then Hemp protein is an option.

My parents don’t recommend soy protein. Remember that 20 – 25g of protein per serving is good.


You are better off having a natural sugar in small amounts. Research is showing that artificial sweeteners like Splenda or Nutrasweet are NOT HEALTHY.

Fructose (sugar from fruits) in small amounts is okay and so are other natural sugars sources like AGAVE.

Healthier sweeteners that are in some shakes are stevia and xylitol or malitol.

Fibre – any amount of fibre is always a good thing

Fats – because your body needs healthy fat, you should have some fat in your shake.  5 – 10 g is good.

Just to give you an even better idea of what to look for I’ll tell you more about the Isagenix shake I use.

It contains:

Calories:  240 kcal

Fat: 6g

Carbohydrates:  26g (if I add 1/2 cup of fruit I add about 5 – 10g of extra carbs/sugars

Sugar:  15g

Fibre:  4g

Protein:  23g

You can use this as a guide when you go shopping or you can CLICK HERE to order some Isagenix shake from

Please keep all this information in mind when you are at fast-food juice places.

Those “healthy smoothies” are NOT all that healthy when you really look at what is in them.

Many of these juice places will let you add extra protein – and that is a GOOD thing – BUT watch the sugars and carbohydrates in them.

If they don’t fall within the above recommendations then they are not much better than FAST FOOD!

This was a tough blog to write.

It has taken me longer to write this than any other blog that I have written.

Only the best for YOU!

I want to share with YOU all of my secrets!

Be great :)

Your friend and coach,

