Archive for the ‘blog post’ Category

You Get 1440 EVERY Day!

Hey Power Girl,

I want to help you make your dreams come true.

If I gave you $1440 every day, how who you use it?

Would you spend it on things that you want or things that you need?

I want to give you $1440 every day for the rest of your life.

It sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it?  However, there are a couple of stipulations to this deal.

My end of the bargain is that I must give you $1440 every day.

Your end of the bargain is that you must; spend all of it in that day;  you can never save your money not even a single dollar for another day; once you have spent your money you can’t get it back.  Any money that you don’t spend will go to waste.

If you follow the rules and stick to your side of the bargain, then I will stick to my side of the bargain and give you $1440 every day for the rest of you life.

So Power Girl, now that you know you are going receive $1440 every day, I would like to ask you some questions.

How would you spend it?

Do you think you would be able to spend it all?

Would you spend your money on things that you want but don’t need?

Would you spend it all on your self?

Would you spend it on people that are in need?

Would you spend it on your friends and family?

Would you spend it on things that would help you become a better person/ reach your goals?

At the end of each day would you be happy with how you chose to spend your money, or would you have regrets?

Aren’t there so many possibilities, and isn’t it exciting to think that every day you will receive $144o?

Receiving $1440 every day would be a wonderful gift.

Well I have news for you.

You are getting 1440 of something every day!

You get 1440 MINUTES each and every day.

God gives you and I 1440 minutes every single day, and only you can decide how to use them.

How you would spend $1440 is very similar to how you probably spend your 1440 minutes every day.

I try to use all of my minutes by being as productive as I can, because God gave us the wonderful gift of time and I would like use every minute of every day so that none of them go to waste.  I try to use my minutes to reach my goals.

If you are someone who likes watching T.V  for 30 minutes every day, that is 2% of your day which is fine. But if it was 10% of your day (2 hours and 30 minutes of T.V.) that would be wasting your gift by doing an unproductive thing.

It’s just like spending your $1440 on things that you want but don’t need, and that won’t help you get any closer to what your goals.

If you gave someone a gift would you want them to throw it away?  Of course you wouldn’t!

If someone gave you a gift would you throw it away?  No!

Time should be considered a gift, and gifts should not be thrown away.

Gifts are meant to be cherished.

I hope that you decide to cherish your gift of time every day.

Make every minute count.

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke



Who says Three’s a Crowd?

Have you ever heard the saying, “two’s company and three’s a crowd?”

Well I want to let you know that I have two best friends and the three of us always hangout together.

This is an idiom and I think it is absolutely IDIOTIC!!!!!!!!!

People are always afraid that if there are three friends then one of them will be left out.

Sure it can be true sometimes, like when a couple are on a date and a third person asks to join them because they could feel awkward, but other than that I know first hand that three friends can get along just fine.

I want to introduce to you my two best friends.

Their names are Briar and Katrina.

They were best friends before I ever met them and I am so glad that they did not believe that  “two’s company and three’s a crowd.”

Briar and Katrina are very special to me and I know that they will always have my back even through tough times.

When I am feeling down I know that they will always cheer me up and put a smile on my face.

People should not be afraid of a threesome because they are worried that one person is going to be left out.

The truth is that excluding a third person will make them feel even more left out.

Have YOU ever felt left out?

Have you ever found out that two friends got together and didn’t invite you?

How did it make you feel?

I bet you felt excluded, unwanted, sad and hurt.

Well as a Power Girl I want you to be the best that you can be and learn from situations like this.

So what can you learn from feeling excluded?

You can realize that excluding a third person will make them feel more left out.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to get together with just one friend, after all that’s pretty special too.

The important thing is that you are upfront and honest about it.

This way the third person won’t feel bad.

You could also make plans to do something with the other person at a later date.

There are times when it can be challenging for three friend to hangout.

For example at an amusement park where a ride can only seat two people then the third person must ride alone.

Well there’s no need to stress, you can take turns sitting by your self.

The reason why my friendship with Katrina and Briar works out, is due to the fact that we have respect for each other and avoid feelings of jealousy.

Jealousy is the green-eyed monster that probably made up the idiom, “two’s company and three’s a crowd.”

I do not want you to just LOOK your best and FEEL your best but I also want to BE a great person on the inside as well.

How you treat people is all about who you are on the inside.

If you treat people with kindness and respect you will never go wrong.

So Power Girl it’s time to go work out!  I have a great Idea!  Why not invite two friends to keep you company.


Your friend and coach,


The Summer That Was!!

Hey Power Girl,

Summer is coming to an end and fall is just around the corner.

This was definitly “the summer that was!”    I bet you are wondering what I mean by this.

There are some summers that come and go and they just don’t make the top ten list best summers ever.

Like maybe the weather wasn’t what you wanted it to be.   Perhaps it rained too much or was cloudy most of the time.

Well this summer in Ontario Canada…WAS GORGEOUS!!

The weather was perfect.  Most days were hot, which was great for playing outside.

I  spent so much time outside and many nights I would go camping in the backyard.

This summer I got to do everything I wanted to do.

I had fun in the sun and spent almost every day out on the lake by our house.

Writing this just puts a smile on my face because it reminds me of all the fun I had with my friends and family.

I hope you enjoyed this perfect summer Power Girl and didn’t waste your time  laying on the couch watching T.V. or sitting at your computer talking to friends on Facebook all day long.

It is so important to be productive and active so you can be that much closer to achieving your goals.

You need to limit the amount of time doing the things that are not productive.

Now don’t think that I am saying you should never go on Facebook or watch T.V., but you should make sure that you never get hooked on these things or other similar things that will take you away from becoming successful.

The best way to enhance your chances of being that next step closer to achieving your goals, is by getting your mind focused and establishing a routine that you will stick with.

I am ALL about routine Power Girl!!

I have big goals for myself and I too, am trying to accomplish them.

I live every day trying to get one step closer to living the life of my dreams.

I want to be a Triple Threat, which means I want to be a famous singer, dancer, and actress.

I also want to be a SMART triple threat which means I need to be focusing on school work as well.

If I didn’t follow a routine every day, there would be no way that I would be able to succeed at any of my  dreams.

I make time to exercise and condition my body daily.

I also do vocal warm ups every day and  I still have time  to focus on getting great marks.

I include all of this in my routine and still head out to dance almost every day of the week.

I am not telling you this to impress you, but to inspire you to create a routine that will help YOU achieve  what you want.

Once you establish a routine it is very important to follow through with it.

If Facebook and watching T.V. are important  to you, then you can put these into your routine, but just make sure that you have made time for all of the activities that are going to make you the BEST YOU EVER !!

Your friend and coach,








A Valuable Lesson

Hey Power Girl,

I have missed you!  I hope you have missed me too!

I was in New York for the first 2 weeks of July dancing at The Dance Awards!  I loved it!  It was my favourite dance experience yet.

I met so many amazing people and was surrounded by so much talent.  The staff, of The Dance Awards, were so inspiring and elicited the very best from me.

I had the hardest, yet most rewarding lesson while I was there…

I didn’t make it in the top ten for Best Dancer (made the top twenty), because I lost focus during my solo and consequently “blew” my solo round.

I was so disappointed  with myself.

Have you ever blown something big?

Blown something when it really counted?

You know, I practice my solo perfectly ALL THE TIME, but when it really counted I BLEW IT!!!!

So many things raced through my head.

How could I have performed my WORST when it should have been my BEST?

How must my teacher, Mr. Lupien, feel about me now?

He has been so dedicated to me all year and I didn’t just blow it for me, but for him too!

How must my parents feel about me right now?

They sacrifice so much of their time and money for me and again, I didn’t just blow it for me, but for them too!

I even thought of YOU!

I’m your coach and I hope your role model.

I strive to be my best so that I can inspire you!  I wondered if you would be disappointed in my lack of success.

All these feelings made me feel AWFUL!!!!!

Awful for about 10 minutes!!!!

For 1o minutes I thought I was a failure because I had blown it!!!

Choices….Pack it in and give up.

Try something new.

OR… Get it together!

Step up and Shake it off!!!

What do you think I did?

That’s right Power Girl!   You know me well!

I stepped up and danced my hardest for the rest of the competition!

I chose to find a lesson in my defeat and to use that lesson to make me stronger.

To make me hungrier!  To make me work harder, both on and off the stage!!!!

I will strive to achieve better!

Yes I messed up!  Yes I blew it when it counted most!  Yes I let my teacher and my parents down!  Above all, I let myself down.

Forget about beating myself up!

I have w0rk to do.

I need to get myself stronger in both body and mind.

My mind was weak and that is why I lost focus.  It happened.   I wish it didn’t, but it did!

In a way, I’m glad it happened because now I am working harder than ever before.

I have a vision for my life.

I WILL NOT let one failure take me off course.

If anything, that failure has solidified what I want for myself and my life.

It is not about winning, but it is about being the BEST I CAN BE!!!!!

Joanne Goethe said to “dream as though a wish upon a shooting star was a guarantee”

Power Girl, I want you to really focus on what YOU want out of life.

Go crazy with this.

Dream BIG!

Dream the impossible.

Now believe that you can do it.

Start acting as though you have done it!

Want success so badly that you feel you have already achieved it!!!

You go girl, because I believe in YOU!!!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke

Too Much of a GOOD Thing Can Be BAD!

As a Power Girl I can’t help but notice how people eat.

I try NOT to analyze what people eat as much as I do, but I just can’t help it.

I think it is because I get SO many questions from people just like you on how to eat.

I sometimes am shocked to see how MUCH food people stuff into their body at one time.

The reality is that many people are completely unaware of what they are putting into their bodies.

Often people eat too much, not only of the wrong thing, but the RIGHT thing too.

The other day I saw a girl snacking on almonds.

Almonds are a GREAT choice as they are high in oleic acid (a healthy fat) and vitamin E.

The PROBLEM is that she just had TOO MANY of them.

Almonds are very high in calories, even though they are HEALTHY calories, compared to the UNhealthy calories in a donut or chips.

Now I don’t really want you to count calories Power Girl, but you need to be aware of how much is too much, or how much is enough.

It is useful to look into the calorie content of foods from time to time to make sure that you are on track with how much you should be eating.

Now getting back to this girl that I was observing…she had about 1 cup of almonds at what appeared to be an afternoon snack (given the time of day it was), which would be approximately 950 calories!!!!

Snacking on almonds is great, however 6 almonds (50 calories), is the amount you should be reaching for.

I realized that if this girl knew the nutrition facts on what it was she was eating, she would likely have had less and had some water or herbal tea along with a very small handful of almonds, to fill her up.

I want to make sure that  you know what healthy portions are.

Examine the plate above.  This is what you are aiming for.  So let’s get specific.

On your lunch or dinner plate, have a lean protein (meat, fish, poultry) about the size of the palm of your hand (the size of 1-2 decks of cards).

Your starch should be about the size of your fist (3/4 – 1 cup).

Foods that would be considered starch are rice, pasta, potatoes.

I recommend going for whole grains or sweet potatoes instead of anything white.

You could also try grains like, barley, quinoa, spelt for something nutritious and delicious.

The rest of your plate should be loaded with veggies.

The key to veggies is to watch the amount of added fats you prepare or serve them with.

So tempura (fried) vegetables are not a good choice!

Steamed, RAW or stir-fried veggies are a great choice.

Last night I had grilled veggies. YUMMY!!!

If you want to get lean Power Girl, you will.

Remember my Mission is to help YOU make better choices for a better body and a better life!

I will help you get to your goal as long as you stick with your Power Girl exercise program and make healthy food choices.

The meals and snacks you choose for yourself will help you to reach your goal quickly or slowly.

The choice is YOURS.

CHOOSE well and remember it is not a race to the finish line.

The important thing is that you treat your body well and make the best choices possible because your body deserves it!


Your friend and coach,


A Glass House?

Hey Power Girl,

Have you ever heard the expression, “People who live in a Glass House should not throw stones?”

Do you know what it means?  Well I always hear my mom saying this and it’s meaning is very valuable to everyone.

You should never criticize others when you, yourself, are not perfect.

We should make it a goal to only speak words that will build others up, not tear them down.

You need to make sure that you don’t hurt people by talking badly about them to others or on Facebook, or other social media networks.

I’ve noticed that people use Facebook to “throw stones at other people.”

Please don’t do this.  When you criticize others on Facebook a few things happen.

  1. You leave a clear record of what you have said that was hurtful.
  2. You open up your criticism to hundreds of people.
  3. You end up exposing a mean side of yourself.
  4. You become vulnerable because you live in a “glass house.”

Living in a “glass house” means that you are not perfect.

We all live in glass houses because NO ONE is perfect.

A glass house can easily be shattered by a stone.

It is vulnerable.  You and I are vulnerable.

When we “throw stones,”  meaning insults, we are hurting others.

We will shatter the glass house that the person we are hurting lives in.  We need to remember that the walls of the glass house that we live in can be shattered too.

When we “throw stones” we end up looking foolish and hurting ourselves because we encourage others to look into our “glass house” and see everything.

You see, living in a glass house means we can be shattered AND people can see right through our walls.  Living in “glass house” means people will look into  you and expose you!

People who tend to “throw stones,” are the ones that everyone ends up examining.

It also ends up being very embarrassing when you criticize someone for something that you are guilty of yourself.

Don’t think you’re perfect, because it is impossible to be perfect.

Thinking that you’re perfect means that you are already the best that you can be.

If that were to be true, then what’s next for you?

You need to wake up EVERY day trying to make yourself BETTER then you were the day before.

Remember what I always say, “Better CHOICES (not just how you eat or exercise but ESPECIALLY how you treat others) means a Better Life.”

There should never be a day that you wake up thinking “Well I have arrived at perfection, no use in trying to become a better at anything.”

The day you do this is the day you stop growing.

Okay, getting back to the “throwing stones” and “glass house” thing…Have you ever heard people say “And who are YOU to be criticizing me?  Do you think you’re perfect?”

The chances are that at one time or another, you have been guilty of the exact thing that you are criticizing someone of.

Are you getting what I’m trying to say?  We are all guilty of “throwing stones.”  We all live in “glass houses.”

You and I should try to be very careful about the things we say or write on Facebook.

As Thumper’s mom from the movie Bambi says, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all!”

Being a Power Girl is about being the BEST you can be.

You WILL be a better person if you have a positive attitude and that includes keeping EVERYTHING you say POSITIVE!

Use your words to BUILD PEOPLE UP, instead of TEAR THEM DOWN and something strange will happen, you will feel GREAT every time you do it!

Have a GREAT week Power Girl!

Your friend and coach,



What would YOU do?

Hey Power Girl,

I recently watched a movie on called “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.”

I highly recommend this movie!  I don’t want to tell you too much about the movie because I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you.

The movie really made me think though.

Would I break the rules to do the right thing?

Or, would I follow the rules and do something that would hurt someone.

There are many times in history where the rules have resulted in the unthinkable.

The most known event in history was the Holocaust.

Nazi soldiers tortured the Jewish people because it was expected of them.

They were following the rules when they shot the weak.

They were following the rules when they led the Jewish into the gas chambers.

The Nazi generals and the military were able to choose compassion, but instead many (if not all of them), followed their horrific orders and chose the “rules” over compassion.

This is something that we all can say we wouldn’t do.  We would certainly not cause other humans to suffer or would we?

I want to share with you something very compassionate that my brother Jordan did, even though he was breaking the rules.

One day on the bus route to school, a little boy got sick and threw up all over himself and the bus seat.

No one wanted to help him because there was a rule that you couldn’t get up out of your seat or you would be suspended from the bus.

Everyone was frozen in their seats.

One – because they were afraid of breaking the rule and Two – because they were probably afraid to touch the vomit.

My brother Jordan is a truly compassionate kid.

He jumped out of his seat and went to help the boy and clean up the vomit.

The bus driver got so mad at him because she was unaware of the situation and yelled that she was going to ‘write him up’.

When she heard what Jordan had done she was grateful and apologized for her reaction.

Rules are meant to be followed but….

….Sometimes they need to be broken for the ‘greater good’.

Choose to be compassionate.

Put OTHER’S needs before your own.

When you learn to do this you’ll be able to make the right decision.

A simple rule of thumb is that – if following the rules will result in harm to someone then maybe you should consider bending the rules a bit.

Where ever possible -ask for advice from a parent or someone you respect.

Now Power Girl, I want to make something very clear….I am not telling you that rules are not important or that rules are meant to be broken.  NOT AT ALL!!!

I believe that we have rules for a reason!

Rules are meant to followed.

Just make sure that you always ‘do the right the thing’ and recognize that there may be, from time to time, a situation where you need to choose compassion first.


Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke


It’s in the Air…

Hey Power Girl,

In Canada we just had a long weekend and let me tell you…  Summer was in the air!!!!

I just LOVE summer time!

First of all I love the sunshine and warmth.

I love being outdoors and although you can be outdoors anytime of the year, I spend the most time outdoors in the summertime!!!

The great thing about summer, is that you can take the time to relax, read, or just try something new.

I think that it is important to use your summer to help you EXPERIENCE things that you don’t have time for during the year.

This summer I want to take some singing and acting lessons.

I’m so busy during the school year with school, dance training and making more cool Power Girl books and videos to help YOU!

I’ll be done school in two weeks and that will free me up to do other things. I’m so excited!!!

I think you should ask yourself what it is that you really want to do?

What excites you, or what do you have an interest in, that you just don’t have time for because of school?

Have you ever heard my Dream Big speech?

It is on my website.

Listen to it.

If you have listened to it before, listen to it again.

I listen to that speech over and over again, myself, because it focuses my mind and reminds me that I AM IN CONTROL OF MY FUTURE!

It reminds me to dream BIG and to believe in myself and to not ever limit myself.

I love the quote by Edmund O’Neil; “You are meant to be anything that you dream of becoming!”

Think about that…

Very simple…

Very powerful…

Don’t limit who you will become.

Dream BIG and work everyday to get one step closer to that dream.

My mom and dad are always telling my brothers and sister and I, that we need to wake up in the morning and live ABUNDANTLY.

Living abundantly means many things like…

Living life BIG.

Doing EVERYTHING full out!

Living each day as if it were your last.  Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Practicing the things that you want to become better at.

Practice DOESN’T make perfect.

PERFECT practice, makes perfect!

The reason I am sharing this with you is because summer is a time that allows us to work at becoming more than who we are today.

Don’t waste that time.

You could:

Hang out at the mall.

Go to every new movie that comes out.

Sleep in.

Surf the net.

Get caught up with your friends on Facebook.

Text your friends all day long.

Watch t.v.

Go to Starbucks for an Iced Frappuccino…..

While these things can be fun, will they help you reach your goals or dreams?

Obviously NOT!

You are meant to become whoever it is you dream of becoming!!!!

So dream BIG and spend your summer doing things that will help you get there!!!

I want you to take the time at the beginning of your summer (or even right after you read this), to create a VISION BOARD for yourself.

I created a vision board for myself almost two years ago.

This vision board has clippings from magazines that remind me of everything I want for my future.

It has WORDS that inspire me to work hard, and IMAGES of healthy behaviours that will help me to get from where I am to where I want to be.

This is my vision board.

It is in my room and I look at it everyday.

It reminds me to live abundantly everyday and to work towards making those visions and images a reality.

So I ask YOU, Power Girl, “What will you DO this summer to help you become who it is you dream of becoming?”

Will you:

Learn a new language?

Take a summer school course?

Take singing, acting or drama classes?

Do a Power Girl work out everyday?

Get extra training in your favourite sport or extracurricular activity?

Learn how to become a better reader or writer?

Whatever it is you decide to do, make sure it brings you a step closer to becoming who it is YOU dream of becoming.


Dream big, believe in yourself and work everyday towards accomplishing your goals!


Summer IS in the air. I can smell it and I am making plans already to take advantage of EVERY day to get myself one step closer to MY dreams!!!

See YOU at the TOP!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke

We are all a bit different!

Have you ever brought a picture of the most amazing haircut into your hairstylist and asked if your hair could be cut like that?

How did it turn out?

Did you look exactly like the model in the picture?

Of course not.

That’s because we are all a bit different.

It is really not healthy to want to look exactly like someone that you may admire.

It’s not healthy because it is IMPOSSIBLE!

I was at an AMAZING workshop this weekend in Buffalo.

I was able to dance alongside some amazing, super-talented and super-beautiful dancers.

I would love to have hair like this one girl I saw…

I would love to have deep blue eyes like this other girl I saw…

I would love to have the posture of yet another girl I saw…

I would love to be able to do the wicked tumbling of yet even another girl I saw…

Are you getting my point?

There is always going to be someone who has SOMETHING that you want.

Maybe it is a physical feature, maybe it is a talent or maybe it is their personality.

The point is, we are all a bit different and we all make this world a very interesting place to live in.

We all bring something special into the world and we need to make the most of what we have and be grateful for who we are and how we were created.

It is simply just a waste of time wanting what is not within our power to have.

The funny thing is that quite often what we don’t like about ourselves is what the next person wishes they had!

If there is something that someone else has and you can work harder to have the same thing then you need to GO FOR IT!

Make choices to set yourself on a road to getting there.

For example, if I want to be able to tumble better, then maybe I should spend more time training in acro or gymnastics.

To contrast this I need to point out that there are some things that are just not in the cards for me and it would be a waste of time for me to want something that I just couldn’t have.

As an example, I really wish that I was the same height as one of my favourite dancers who also happens to be one of my friends.  She is tiny but she has complete control over every move that she makes.

Well it is silly for me to wish I were shorter because the plain truth is that I’m only 11 and I’m still growing.

Oops!  Made a mistake.  I turned 12 this past weekend. 😉

Well at 12, I’m still growing.  My parents are also both tall, so there is very little chance that I’ll stop growing anytime soon.

Let’s look at Brooklyn, my sister.

I just LOVE her eyes and she loves my abs!

I’ll never be able to have her bright blue eyes so there is no point even praying for them.

She on the other hand may never have the shape of my abs, but she can make choices to help her abs look the best they can.

She does Power Girl sit ups everyday and eats smart.  Remember the 3 food groups to include at every meal (protein, carbs and fat); well she’s pretty smart with her food choices and eats all 3 of those foods.

I want YOU, to make a list of everything that you wish you had.  Then I want you to strike from that list the things that are just not possible for you.

Next, you need to ask yourself what you need to do, to get the things that are possible for you.

It is all about CHOICES.

If you want to be a ‘straight A’ student and you are good in school, then maybe you need to study more or go in for extra help.

If you want a stronger healthier body, then eat and exercise the Power Girl way.

Don’t try to get your body to look like mine or that girl that just seems to have the perfect body.  Your body is different and beautiful too.

Focus on getting YOUR body to look and feel it’s very best.

I just bet, that if I met YOU in real life there are things about you I would want to be like also.

You have GREATNESS in you!

Be YOUR best!

You can do it Power Girl.  I just know it!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke

The PERFECT Power Girl Snack!

Hey Power Girl,

Last week was a great and super busy week!

I shot another Power Girl video for YOU!!!

It wasn’t a workout but a nutrition video.  You see, I’ve been listening to what you want!

You asked how to EAT so that’s what I’ve been working on!

You’ll love it!!!

My mom and I in the kitchen, teaching YOU how to make healthy meals and snacks, STEP-BY-yummy-STEP.

Many of MY favourite recipes have a super good-for-you ingredient!

This super good food is easy to find and is NOT expensive.

It is high in protein and super rich in healthy fats.

Can you guess what it is?

It’s the EGG!!!!!

Eggs are SO good for you but they have gotten a bad rap lately.

Lots of people will say to limit how many eggs you eat because they are high in cholesterol.

Well I’m here to tell you NOT to be scared off eggs.


Yes they are high in cholesterol but there are a lot of myths about cholesterol that just aren’t true.

Many people will say that cholesterol can be bad for you.

They say that high cholesterol can cause heart disease.


Dietary cholesterol doesn’t really affect blood cholesterol AND cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease!

I went to a lecture that my mom gave (and she was a dietitian for 15 years), and that is what she told hundreds of people.

She even had a lot of research to back her up.

I believe my mom just because she is my mom, but the research she had made her more convincing!

So eat eggs!!!

Don’t be scared off by them.

Eggs are totally NATURAL and just LOADED with protein, HEALTHY FAT and vitamins and minerals.

The incredible nutrition in eggs can help build strong muscle, help you get to a healthy weight, improve brain function and eye function too!

The protein found in an egg is one of the highest quality proteins nature offers.

Eggs are easy to prepare, can improve the nutrition of many recipes and they are not expensive and can be found at any store, even a convenience store!

I love to snack on hard boiled eggs.

We often have a dozen boiled eggs in the fridge ready for us to eat at any time.

It is really easy to boil a dozen eggs and keep them in the fridge for the perfect, healthy, on-the go snack.


………all you have to do is cover your eggs in COLD water.

Make sure there is at least 1 inch of water overtop your eggs.

Place the uncovered pot of eggs on the stove and heat on high until the water boils.

Once the water boils, remove the eggs from the heat and COVER them.  They will cook in the water.

They need to sit in the covered pot for 18-23 minutes.

Make sure you put the timer on!

It is really important to drain off the hot water and run COLD water over your eggs until they are cool to your touch.

Voila!  The PERFECT Power Girl snack!

One egg has about 7 grams of muscle-building protein!

Wow that is a lot and remember power girl, you need protein to make sure you build strong, gorgeous muscle.

Adding a slice of whole-grain bread to your egg will make a bigger snack if you feel you need a bit more.

An egg sandwich is also a fast and healthy lunch if you have the eggs already boiled.

I like to slice 2 eggs up, arrange the egg slices on bread, add a few slices of tomato, some sea salt and pepper.  YUMMY!

There are so many great things you can do with eggs and I promise you lots of fabulous ideas for eggs in my Power Girl Nutrition video called Body-Smart LUNCHES.  Coming soon……

So remember that one of the healthiest foods you can eat, can be found anywhere, is super cheap, super healthy and super tasty!

What are you waiting for Power Girl…?


Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke