Archive for the ‘blog post’ Category

Kick Off The Year Right!

Hey Power Girl,

I hope you had an amazing summer!

Summertime can be an extremely hard time to keep on track with your daily or weekly workouts.  That’s okay, because now is the perfect time to get back on track.

What better way to get back into the groove than kicking the year off with some kickboxing!

Their are so many benefits to kickboxing:

  1. Melt fat fast and burn  hundreds of calories
  2. Tone your entire body
  3. Learn valuable self-defence and self-protection moves
  4. Take out stress and aggression
  5. Feel more confident


Melt Fat Fast and Burn Hundreds of Calories

Kickboxing is an amazing new way to get a full-body workout and melt fat by burning hundreds of stored calories.  Kickboxing is an intense cardio workout, the longer you fight your “imaginary attacker”, the more calories you will burn.

Tone Your Entire Body

Kickboxing is one of the few forms of exercise that engages every muscle group in your body during the workout.  Since this is a full-body workout you should not attempt to do it every single day if you aren’t used to working out regularly.  You will need a day for your muscles to recover if you are not a regular exerciser.

Learn Valuable Self Defence and Self Protection Moves

Having the ability to protect yourself is a valuable asset and it’s empowering to know that if you were in a dangerous situation, you have the knowledge and training to help get yourself out of it safely.

Take Out Stress And Aggression

Do you ever feel stressed?  Sometimes the best way to release stress after a rough day is some intense physical activity. Kickboxing offers a healthy way to get out some of the day’s frustrations from your system; which will also help you get a better night’s sleep and improve how you look and feel the next day.

Feel Confident

There is nothing better than a girl who looks great, feels great, and believes that she can accomplish great things. She will be unstoppable!  A kickboxing workout can help you build your confidence, and people will notice the difference in how you talk and carry yourself.

Proper Support is Key

It is critical that you remember how important healthy eating is.  You should not do a workout and then go and have junk food.  You need to support your body by eating healthy food that will fuel your body through the workout as well as during recovery after.

Sounds Great But…

So I hear you asking me, “That sounds great Jessy, but how can I start kickboxing without any training?”

Power Girl, I have some amazing news for you!  I recently finished filming a kickboxing video that will be available later this month. It is a but kickin’, sweat drippin’, pulse poundin’ workout that is only 20 minutes long and burns up to 600 calories!

Don’t forget Power Girl you need to be eating the right foods in order to maintain your healthy Power Girl lifestyle.  After all, Better choices equal a Better body and a Better life!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke



There’s always a better choice!

Hey Power Girl,

Do you ever crave unhealthy foods?

Well, I am here today to talk to you about how you can deal with those cravings and why you get them.

Don’t worry Power Girl your not alone, we ALL crave unhealthy foods once in a while.  We just have to learn how to overcome these cravings.

Unhealthy cravings that make our bodies weak:

  1. Fries
  2. Donuts
  3. Chips
  4. Chocolate
  5. Cookies
  Healthy replacements that build a strong Power Girl Body:
  1. Veggies
  2. Fruits
  3. Greek yogurt
  4. Protein bars
  5. Tuna
  6. Seeds and Nuts (raw and not salted if possible)
Now I have helped you make some smart replacements for these cravings, however this is not going to deal with getting rid of these cravings.  If you can understand why you have cravings for sugar and fried foods it may help you make better choices.
Cravings happen when our blood sugars drop and we rely on these sugars to refuel our bodies.   The only way to put an end to these low blood sugars is by eliminating as much sugar and fried foods as you possibly can from your diet.
Our digestive system breaks down the carbohydrates (carbs) from the food we eat into different sugar molecules, one of which is called glucose – the body’s main source of energy. Glucose goes straight into our bloodstream after we eat.
However, glucose needs insulin – a hormone produced and excreted by our pancreas, before it can enter our cells. In other words, a cell would starve of energy if there were no insulin around, regardless of how much glucose there was.  So insulin is the Fat-Laying hormone.   Too much sugar causes too much insulin and makes us store the extra sugar we aren’t using as fat.
I mentioned earlier how we have to eliminate sugars and fried foods from our diet, why  do you think fried foods are bad for you Power Girl?
Well fried foods damage your body and brain in many different ways, and it’s not just a long term consequence, but a short term problem as well.
Just as a car needs good clean oil to run efficiently and not break down, your body needs food that can be digested properly and not clog the one and only “machine” you have for your entire life.  Healthy oils like olive oil and coconut oil help our body work properly, where as fried foods have bad oils that make us sick and overweight.
Fried Foods also contain something called Saturated Fats.  Most saturated fats are unhealthy (except for butter and coconut oil) and although they give a rich taste to foods like french fries, pizza and burgers, they are hard to digest properly and cause many health problems like obesity and heart disease.
So you may already know that fast foods, sugar and fried foods are bad for you, but you may not know that they are actually designed to make you want to come back and keep eating more of them which ends up making you sick and overweight.
Remember just because it tastes good and you crave it, does NOT mean it is good for you.
So Power Girl, the next time you crave that sugary treat or fried snack, remember how you will feel AFTER you eat it.
You are what you eat.  There is always a smarter choice.   Which is why I have created my Body Smart Meal Plans just for you.
Every week I will be uploading a new video to You Tube to help you make better choices and limit as much sugar and fried foods as you can in your diet.
Check out this weeks new video here Body Smart Breakfasts – Bread Pudding
This will result in less cravings, better shape, and a healthier you!
Your friend and coach,
Jessy Lipke



people need to stop eating sugar and fried foods

The Bitter Sweet Truth

Hey Power Girl,

As you work to build a better body, do you ever try to find other sweeteners to replace sugar?  You know “zero calories”, where you try to get something for nothing? Well you can’t cheat nature and you may have noticed that when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

So when you hear zero calories WATCH OUT!

You need to ask yourself, “when they took out the sugar, what ELSE did they put in and how healthy is THAT?”

So if you have eaten foods or drinks with artificial sweeteners (like Aspartame or Spenda), then please make sure you are doing some research to see whether you are making things better or WORSE for yourself.

Many people tend to make the mistake of trying to improve their diets, but end up making them WORSE!   That is why it is so critical to do your research and to understand the DANGERS of artificial sweeteners like ASPARTAME  and SUCRALOSE (SPLENDA).

Today I am going to be talking about the dangers of Splenda (which has the chemical name Sucralose).

Splenda (Surculose) is an artificial sweetener.  The majority of ingested Splenda is not broken down by the body into sugar, so it is non-caloric (which means it gives your body no energy).  So it has ZERO HEALTH BENEFITS to you, other than a temporary chemically-sweet taste.  In addition to having no health benefits Splenda may also give you headaches and actually make you MORE HUNGRY causing you to eat more food making you gain extra weight.

So you should not be using any artificial sweeteners like ASPARTAME  or SPLENDA because they not natural and will push your health in the wrong direction.

The company that sells Splenda promotes it as being similar to sugar and therefore healthier.  However, even though Splenda starts off as a sugar molecule, it is what goes on in the factory that is concerning.

Splenda (Sucralose) is a synthetic chemical that was originally discovered by accident (in a laboratory trying to make insecticide how healthy can that be).  In the five step patented process of making Splenda, three chlorine molecules are added to a sucrose or sugar molecule. A sucrose molecule is a disaccharide (any class of sugar) that contains two single sugars bound together: glucose and fructose.

The chemical process to make Splenda alters the chemical composition of the sugar so much that it is somehow converted to a molecule NOT FOUND IN NATURE called a fructo-galactose molecule. Since this type of sugar molecule does not occur in nature  your body does not have the ability to properly break it down into usable energy.

Remember that your body wants to be healthy and stay healthy.  However, when we expose our bodies to these toxic influences and deprive it of the nutritional support and foundational building blocks we need to stay healthy, we are going to notice many different healthy problems will start to occur.

So really the key is to understand food toxins like Aspartame and Splenda, and to begin reading labels so you can take control of your health.

When other Power Girls ask me what to use instead of Aspartame and Splenda I typically recommend a substance called XYLITOL.

Xylitol is typically used as a diabetic sweetener which is roughly as sweet as sugar but with 33% fewer calories. Unlike other natural or synthetic sweeteners, xylitol is actively beneficial for dental health by reducing cavities by one third in regular use and helpful to remineralization of teeth, and also has been shown to reduce the incidence of acute middle ear infections.

There are many ways to improve your diet, you just need to make sure that you are doing some research to better understand what it is you are doing.

Take control of your body Power Girl and make good choices.

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke



Shine Out

Hey Power Girl,

I hope your feeling good and looking gorgeous!

I want you to have that beautiful Power Girl body you have been dreaming of, but I also want to make you beautiful on the INSIDE as well.

I know I usually talk about how to get the body you want, however today we are going to be talking about how to make the inside of you just as beautiful as you are on the outside.

Now your probably wondering how I am going to make your intestines look beautiful.  Well I am actually not talking about “those insides” but the inside of you (WHO you are as a person).

Why not go for the full package and be beautiful everywhere?

Show people that it is possible to be stunning INSIDE and out!

Show people the difference/improvement you have made in yourself and inspire them to make a difference in their bodies and lifestyles.

Making the inside of your body beautiful means getting rid of any negative attitudes that are stopping you from getting the body you want and reaching for your goals and dreams.  SO DON’T LET A NEGATIVE ATTITUDE STOP YOU.

The reason why inner beauty is so important is because some people with beautiful bodies can get their heads out of line and become ugly on the inside.

A good looking person who is ugly on the inside, can eventually become ugly on the outside as well; if the inside is not cleaned up.

So Power Girl I hope that you understand how important it is to be just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.

Think of your beauty as a light. Why leave it outside on the porch when you could bring it inside to shine brighter.

Let your beauty S.H.I.N.E. from within your body.

Here is how…



Intelligent thinking 

No negativity


These are some ways you can bring out your inner beauty.  So let your beauty shine out and make sure you show everyone that you are gorgeous everywhere.

Remember to look and feel gorgeous!

Now Power Girl I don’t want you to think that this means I don’t want you to stay focused on building the body that you want, I just want you to remember that inner beauty is just as important.

If you haven’t checked out my You Tube Channel lately then click here to view my brand NEW video that explains the 3 Healthy Food Groups you need to eat from every day to get a great body.

I have been filming all summer long, creating my Body Smart Breakfast videos and will be releasing a NEW one EVERY Sunday.

So don’t forget to check out my You Tube channel this Sunday for the first yummy recipe of my Body Smart Breakfast Meal Plans.

And stay tuned EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT as I will be posting a NEW video EVERY Sunday !


Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke




Be The Leader

Hey Power Girl,

Summer time is a time when we normally get thrown off track with our eating.

For me summer time is all about socializing with my friends, but somehow it always ends up involving food.

So if you are going over to a friend’s house, try to avoid eating bad foods. Or if you’re going out for food with a friend, you don’t always need to order food, you could even just have a cup of tea. If you are going to have some food then make sure that you are making a healthy food choice.

Sometimes when I go to Starbucks I will treat myself to one pack of chocolate covered almonds (not a healthy choice) and share them with all my friends rather then having a full pack all to myself, that way I will only have 1/4 or 1/3  of a pack.

The great thing about doing this is that I don’t feel deprived and I enjoy a taste while I share it with my friends and teach them that “a taste is enough”.

When you do go over to a friends house try to not make it all about food, instead talk to them a lot and have some good conversations with them.

Another smart option may be to bring over some healthy snacks such as:  veggie trays, fruit trays, and protein bars, rather then snacking on unhealthy foods like chips, hot dogs, pizza and chocolates which will NOT give you a Power Girl body.

Now don’t get me wrong Power Girl it is still okay to treat your self every once and awhile but you have to make sure that you get right back on track with your healthy eating.

Help your friends make smart choices and BE THE LEADER,  don’t let your friends who make bad choices encourage you to do the same.

Don’t follow people who make bad decisions, instead be your own leader so that other people can look up to you.

Inspire others to replace their bad eating habits with good ones so that they can get the body they want.

I want to help you make eating healthy easier, so that is why I have been filming NEW NUTRITION VIDEOS all summer long.

The most common request by my Power Girls is “teach me how to eat better”.  So I have filmed 14 videos that I will give you over the next 14 weeks to help you eat smarter.  They are step-by-step meal plan videos called Body Smart meal plans.

There are 7 Body Smart Breakfasts and 7 Body Smart Lunches that I have filmed so you can learn how to make healthy meals  with my mom and I, right in my own kitchen.

To make it super easy for you to get started I will be posting a new video meal plan every Sunday on You Tube starting later this month.

So make sure you stay tuned to hear the exact date for my first yummy recipe of my Body Smart Breakfast.

Well that’s all for today Power Girl but remember to keep making good decisions and inspiring others to follow you and join us on our journey to help you get the healthy body you are looking for.

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke

You Are The Captain

Hey Power Girl,

How do you like to start your day?

What helps you start off your day in a positive attitude and help others get in the same positive state of mind as you?

Well I know that I always start my day with a daily devotion.  This helps me to get into a positive attitude, which also helps me to be determined and get done what I need to get done in a day.

What I love about these devotions is that they are always different, so I can reflect on each new reflection and apply them to the rest of my day.

One of my recent devotions was talking a little bit about the saying, “your response is your responsibility.”

I absolutely LOVE this saying because it is 100% true and because YOUR RESPONSE IS YOUR CHOICE !!!

After listening to my devotion I decided  to do some reflecting on this saying.

As I sat there thinking about that saying, it hit me, that no matter what is happening in my life, I can DECIDE how I want to respond.

In other words, although I can’t control all of the events that take place in my life, I CAN control my RESPONSE to those events instead of REACTING emotionally to them.

So today Power Girl we are going to be talking a little bit about the saying, “YOUR RESPONSE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY”

Have you ever felt sad?  Have you ever felt like the world is out to get you?

Have you ever felt depressed and then you felt happy again for a time, only to be sad again, sometimes for no particular reason?  This is called an emotional roller coaster.

Sometimes when we get these feelings, we let them take over our bodies and our lives.

What we need to remember is that HOW we CHOOSE to respond to something is OUR responsibility Power Girl.

We ALL have the power to control what we think, and how we respond to situations in life.


Now, I know you are saying, yeah Jessy, that is easier said than done!  But, the reality is, IT IS WHAT YOU SAY IT IS!  If you make up your mind, that your response to whatever happens in your life is going to be positive,  then it absolutely will be!

Sometimes even going through a situation in your mind and picturing your positive response to it, will help you respond the way you want to when it actually does happen.

Imagine if you are always getting upset when your parents ask you to clean up your messy room and then you feel bad for getting mad at them when they just want you to have a clean room.

You could imagine them “nagging” you to clean your room, but then instead of complaining, you imagine telling them “No problem Mom, thanks for the reminder!”

Guess what will happen the next time they ask you to clean your room.  Well you’ve already played it out in your mind and CHOSE your response to that situation.

Now you get a better result, you feel more in control, and your Mom thinks you’re the best kid ever!

So Power Girl, when life gets tough and the roller coaster of life wants to take you on a CRAZY ride, it is up to you to decide whether or not to get on and take that ride.

So take charge and remember that you are the Captain of your own roller coaster and that your response is your responsibility!

Good luck and enjoy the ride!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke



A Winner NEVER Quits

Hey Power Girl,

Last week I was at a dance competition, and we had a very special judge named Tiffany Mclachlan.  Near the end of the competition Tiffany shared some words us that I will never forget, she said “You guys can either be INTIMIDATED by those who win or be INSPIRED by those who win.”

Now I want to ask you something, which person is going to get farther in life?  The person that gets defeated over someone beating them, or the person who uses this as an opportunity to get INSPIRED and push themselves 10 times harder than they could ever have imagined?

I think you know which attitude will help YOU get closer to reaching your goals in life!

So I want to start by talking to you about a saying that I have always lived by.   Its goes like this “A quitters never wins, and a winner never quits.”

This saying is absolutely true because if you quit in life then you will never succeed.  One of our famous Canadian hockey players named Wayne Gretzky also said “You miss 100% of the shots you never take”.

I want you to tell yourself that quitting is not an option and keep moving forward, because no matter who you are Power Girl we all have a dream for ourselves, a dream that we want to realize in our life, and by quitting we are abandoning our goals for ourselves.

Even when you don’t feel like you are motivated, it is your dreams that often keep you going.

In many ways, your dreams are like the “light at the end of the tunnel”, our reason for jumping out of bed in the morning, and the reason to keep trying, pushing, fighting, and enduring on.

Don’t let your obstacles hold you back.  Just know that you are stronger then your obstacles.

I have always believed that if I set my mind to something I could do ANYTHING that I believed in, and I want YOU to have that same attitude!

When you get into a tight place and everything seems to turn against you, when it seems as though you can not hang on a minute longer, never give up, because that is the most important time to keep hanging on.

Those are the times that make you stronger, and those are the seconds that count.

So until next time, I hope that this has helped you to get inspired, never give up and to follow your dreams, so that you can use all your talents to their fullest.

I believe in YOU!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke



Something Smells Fishy

Hey Power Girl,

Something smells fishy and it’s coming from MY kitchen!!

My mom always makes fish for us and I know that anything she makes has GOT to be great for our health and critical for our diet.

Since I often get questions about healthier food choices from Power Girls just like you, and knowing how often my mom makes fish, I wanted to do some research so that I could find out all the benefits of including fish in your diet too.  I want to help you make the absolute best decisions for your diet.

So Power Girl, are you ready to learn some awesome meals to join me on my next surf and turf night? Great!  Now let me share with you some interesting facts about fish that I have found through my research.

Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which is a type of polyunsaturated fat that can help to reduce total blood cholesterol. It is very important to include Omega-3 in your diet because it protects the heart and circulation and can reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.  WOW!!!!!! FISH CERTAINLY DOES HELP A LOT.

Medical studies have shown that Omega-3 oils play an important role in the development of our brain tissue which we need in order to make sure our bodies function and heal properly.

Seafood contains a lot of essential minerals such as:

  • iron
  • zinc
  • iodine
  • selenium

Fish is also a good source of vitamins, which will help to maintain healthy nerve tissues, strong bones and teeth, and a growing complexion.  Fish is also a healthy fat which, like I have told you before Power Girl, we need to eat every day.  Healthy fats are critical to include in our diet. Fish is also essential for the healthy growth and maintenance of muscles and body tissues.

There are many different types of fish and each has a tremendous amount of protein, but different fish have different amounts of protein.  So I would like to share with you some of the different types of fish and their amounts of protein.

  • Cod: 20 g
  • Sole: 21 g
  • Haddock: 20 g
  • Halibut: 23 g
  • Sockeye Salmon: 23 g
  • Yellowfin Tuna: 25 g
  • Canned Tuna (light, canned in water): 22 g
  • Swordfish: 22 g
  • Rainbow Trout: 21 g
The last thing I would like to share with you is that many researchers believe that we need to eat more fish and less meat.  Since fish is a healthier protein source than meat, and we are what we eat, this is probably the most powerful change can that we can make in our diets.
So Power Girl, please join me in adding fish into your diet and I can guaranty that you be looking better, feeling better and planning to enjoy a longer, healthier life.
Your Friend and Coach,
Jessy Lipke



Power Girl Goes to Paris!!

Hey Power Girl,

I wish I was going to Paris, however I guess you could say that Paris is coming to me instead.

This week a television producer is coming to interview me from the largest TV station in France.

She will be interviewing me and my family this Thursday as we videotape the latest NEW Power Girl workout called Power Girl Cardio Kickboxing.

I can’t wait to share with the whole world my mission, “to change the way that girls all over the world take care of their bodies.”

This is an opportunity for me to share with many people the reason why I started Power Girl Fitness over 2 years ago.

Today I would like to share with you Power Girl, the reason for Power Girl Fitness, why I started it and what it is all about!

So now let me take you on a journey to learn how Power Girl Fitness was born…

I started this website to fill a need after I realized that there were no workouts on the internet for girls.  In my research I realized that many girls were doing adult workouts, often in secret, to try to improve their bodies.

I discovered young girls doing workouts designed for adults, not good!!

I also know what a girl wants and does not want to hear, because the reality is, no girl wants to hear how to take care of herself by her parents.

Parents always mean well, however girls like you and I often see our parents’ good intentions as…well…. nagging.

We want to hear it from a peer or a friend, someone who knows what it’s like to be our age, who knows our needs, our desires.

We want to feel that we are doing something that other girls our age WANT to do, that our friends are doing the same thing and that it is not just our parents making us do it for their own reasons.

However, we have to make sure that our friends are giving us good advise and that we are not getting influenced in a negative way.

Don’t worry Power Girl, because you have me!!

Power Girl Fitness was created by my dad and I, because I wanted to help girls find a safe and effective way to change their lifestyles so that they could change how they eat, exercise and eventually teach girls to replace their bad habits with good ones.

My website is all about fitness and healthy eating.

Our motto is “better choices mean a better body and a better life”

Since I am home-schooled I have more free time and have spent many many hours researching different health topics and have learned so much more about healthy nutrition and fitness.

Most of what I know I learned from researching on the internet and from my parents.

I am pretty lucky because my dad is a doctor and a personal trainer, and my mom is a dietitian, so I have been educated tremendously thanks to them.

Above all, Power Girl Fitness is all about YOU!   Helping girls just like YOU, set new goals and achievements for themselves, to be the very best that they can be, so that they too can one day go on and make a difference and be the absolute best that they can be.

Maybe someday you’ll even visit Paris, or who knows, Paris may even come to YOU!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke


How Bad Do YOU Want It?

Hey Power Girl,

Last Friday I had a life changing experience. I had the opportunity to hear one of the most amazing motivational speakers ever! Have you ever heard of a man named Eric Thomas?

I am all about trying to make a difference and trying to use every moment of my life to get me one step closer to living the life of my dreams.

However, after I heard Eric Thomas I realized something…

I am not living life to MY fullest.

Eric Thomas compared living life to driving a Porsche.

A Porsche is designed as a high performance sports vehicle, however the car is normally never driven to show all of it’s power.

A Porsche has 6 gears that make it come close to flying!!

The shameful thing is that most people who own a Porsche never get to experience it’s full potental because they only stay in 3rd gear.

So this amazingly powerful sports car that has the capability to be driven in 6th gear, at speeds up to 200 mph, is only put to half of it’s potential, and untapped potential is a WASTE !

So Power Girl I want to ask you something… Are you living YOUR life in 6th gear (to your fullest ability) or are you just ‘flying under the radar’ and living in 3rd gear, with untapped potential?

I know that I don’t live my life in 3rd gear, but after hearing Eric Thomas speak I realized that I am probably living in 4th gear.  The reason I say this is because I feel like I have more potential then I usually show.

Well, Power Girl how are YOU living YOUR life? Are you cruising along in 3rd gear or are you in 5th or 6th gear, giving a 150%  effort all of the time.

If you are comfortable with everything you are doing and not breaking a sweat while doing it, then you are probably living life in 3rd gear.

I want YOU to be working so hard at everything that you do, that you are to the point where it is UNCOMFORTABLE.

That’s right, I said, UN-comfortable……

I want you to push yourself to a HIGHER Level, a HIGHER Standard than you ever have before.

I believe you are more than you have become.  There is MASSIVE potential waiting inside you!   You just have to dig down deep to find it.

Nothing great is ever easy and “Good is the enemy of Great”.

GREAT people became great because they were never satisfied with “good enough”.

So GET UNCOMFORTABLE, and push yourself more than you have before.

When you do people will start to wonder “What’s up with her? Why does she study so hard in school?  Why does she focus so much on heathy eating?  Why is she always so positive and why does she love exercising so much?”

Let them wonder about the new you.

Guess what?

Soon they will want to FOLLOW YOU, so they can look as good as you, be as happy as you, and feel as great as you!

Action is contagious !

So get out of 3rd gear and Live your life to the MAX!!

On your Power Girl next workout I want to challenge you to “take it up a level”

When you are working out I want you to set some of these goals for yourself:


  • Work so hard that you are uncomfortable
  • Challenge yourself to do a BONUS ROUND
  • Try to do something that you have never done or tried before (try the Advanced or Elite level)
  • Move a little harder, a little faster or a little longer

POWER GIRL I CHALLENGE YOU to do everything in 6th gear!  That’s how you get everything you want BETTER RESULTS FASTER!!!!

Remember my Motto: “POWER, PASSION and PERFORMANCE”  All 3 of these words, describe TWO things… a Porche racing car driving in 6th gear…

and YOU !!

I believe in you.  Be your BEST !!

Your friend and coach,

Jessy Lipke